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my wine journey

New Release --- Rocas de Seña 2021

チリを代表するプレミアム・ワイン、セーニャ(Seña)。そのセカンドラベルである「Rocas de Seña」の最新ヴィンテージ2021を試飲する機会がありました。




Tasting Note


★  Technical Data

  • ブドウ品種構成: 35% マルベック、 21% シラー、 20% カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン、10% グルナッシュ、 9% プティ・ヴェルド、 5% ムルヴェード

  • 95%フランス産のオーク樽で熟成(うち新樽40%)、残り5%はコンクリート・エッグ・タンク

  • アルコール度数:14%

In 1995, Eduardo Chadwick and Robert Mondavi pioneered an international joint venture to give life to Chile’s first icon wine. They named it Seña, a sign to the world that Chile could produce world-class wines and be welcomed, in time, among the world’s First Growths; expressing the uniqueness of the Aconcagua Valley.

Rocas de Seña is its second label. 2021 has become an exceptional vintage in Chile.

Tasting Note

Violet and fresh fruits of cherry, plum, blueberry and cassis, followed by black pepper, clove, rosemary, toast, roasted nuts and dark chocolate. Ripe and soft fruits please the palate, structured by refreshing acidity. Tannin is smooth and refined. Complex and layered flavors go well with a variety of meat dishes, such as beef or pork steaks. A lighter meat such as turkey with cranberry sauce would also be nicely paired because of fine acidity and lifted flavors of the wine.


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