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my wine journey

Hello, I'm Yuri Shima, a wine writer and author by night and a lawyer by day. I lecture on wines, both in person and online, and am an educator at Academie du Vins, Tokyo

I am a Japanese based in the San Francisco Bay Area.  Born and raised in Yokohama and Tokyo.  Before moving to SF, I lived in Paris for 2012-2014.  

I like eating, drinking and traveling.  My love for wine has taken me to the wine regions around the globe.  Especially, I am deeply in love with Champagne and its producers and frequently travel to Champagne.    

Through my WSET Diploma study, which I successfully completed in early 2018, as the  winner for the IWSC prize, I have become more interested in learning about wines and producers' philosophy behind each wine.  I am fortunate enough to have met many talented winemakers/vignerons through my wine journey and have learnt from them.   I came to think that I would like to share their passion that make their wines special and give something back to them who taught me about wine, through writing, classes and seminars.  

My expertise in law is international investment and trade.  I started my career as an investment banker in Tokyo.  I also worked on policy issues for governments at an international organization in Paris.   All my experiences in different fields including working with people with different backgrounds and nationalities help understand and appreciate wines better.   And most importantly, wine and champagne make my life full of pleasures and happiness! 

Follow my wine journey on Instagram @yuri_s1029 


I write about wine for a number of media bilingually in Japanese and English, including:

  • Forbes Japan as official wine columnist: here

  • Club Oenologique, a UK wine magazine: here

  • Why not? -- web-based wine media:  here 

  • Interview Video -- here

  • WINART wine magazine


  • Sommelier Magazine published by the Japan Sommelier Association

  • Wine columnist for the paid subscribers for Academie du Vin: "My Champagne life"

  • Guild Somm 

  • Vine and Bubbles, an Australian Champagne magazine

The interview about Yuri by the Champagne Club by Richard Juhlin, a Swedish Champagne expert is found here

★★ Some of my articles are published in English at this website. (Here) ​★★


  • Wine and Spirits Education Trust (WSET) Level 4: Diploma

  • WSET certified educator ​

  • Dame Chevalier by the Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne

  • Wine Expert certified by the Japan Sommelier Association

  • Attorney at law admitted by the New York State Bar since 2006 

​​島 悠里 Yuri Shima

WSET® Level 4 Diploma
日本ソムリエ協会認定 ワインエキスパート



サンフランシスコ・ベイエリア在住。2018年にサンフランシスコでWSET Diplomaを取得。2019年のロンドンでの卒業式では、総合上位の成績でInternational Wine and Spirits (IWSC)賞を受賞。



▶︎Forbes Japanのワインコラムはこちら


▶︎ Instagramでのワイン・シャンパーニュに関する発信はこちら 


▶︎Why not? wine mediaでのワインコラムはこちら

▶︎インタビュー動画 こちら



シャルドネ100%で表現するシャンパーニュ ブラン・ド・ブラン7選(リンク


ドザージュを知ると、シャンパーニュの楽しみが広がる (リンク




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